Monday, 30 August 2010

This evening.

This morning was a bit disappointing but my Dad said we could go out this evening, so we did. Just before the sun went down the Hares started to come out and move about. It was great and we saw this little one, which my Dad reckons is probably only a few weeks old.

This one might be its Mum or Dad. It is nice to know that there a new Hares about and hopefully I can continue to photograph them for a long time to come.

Black & White Nature

This morning my Dad and I went out to a local site to see if we could get any photographs of Hares. However, there were none about and we only saw Magpies and Pied Wagtails.

I'm going to go out this evening again when it is a bit cooler to see if we can spot some Hares. If we do I'll try and post them here quickly.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Butterfly face!

I was recently on a trip to Scotland when we stopped the car because we saw some dark butterflies. When we got closer we realised that they were Scotch Argus:

The butterflies got used to us and were soon landing on us. I think they liked the salt in our sweat.

One even enjoyed landing on my face!