Saturday, 5 June 2010

Welcome to my new blog!

Welcome to my new blog.

My name is Martin and I am 10 years old. I am going to use this blog to post my photographs of nature and information about where to find interesting wildlife.

I go out photographing with my Dad who is a professional wildlife photographer. He lets me use his camera and lenses and is a good teacher. His website is

When I grow up I want to be a professional photographer like my Dad. I am saving up for a new camera and hope it will get me lots of good photographs.

I like all sorts of wildlife but my favourite creature is the Peregrine Falcon. I have seen some really interesting things like Dragonflies mating, an Adder on a beach, Swallows laying eggs and Ospreys fishing in a loch.


  1. I look forward to seeing your posts!

  2. Hi there Martin,
    I will look forward to your blog posts and photos.
    I am also waiting to get a new camera and then I will post some of my photos on my blog.
    It is the nicest thing to be in the countryside watching life go on and if you are lucky taking a photo you are happy with
    Best Wishes
    Mel :)

  3. You are off to a great start! I will be watching for new posts.

  4. Hi Martin, did you take that photo of the dragonfly in the header? You are off to a great start!!

  5. Thank you. Yes I took the dragonfly picture last year. Do you like it?
