Saturday, 17 July 2010

Six-spotted magic

Last weekend I found lots of insects and butterflies at the New Ferry Butterfly Park on the Wirral.

Certain species like different plants, for instance the Six-spotted Burnett loves this Scabious (I looked that up in my Dad's wildflower book). The Six-spotted Burnett is a moth that flies during the day and isn't nocturnal.

I think this one was quite old because you can see through its wings.


  1. Lovely photos. I ended up taking some photos of insects last weekend as well, was so nice and warm, all of nature seemed to e enjoying it as well.
    Look forward to more posts now its your holiday time
    Take care

  2. Excellent close-up photography Martin! Love the rich colors.

  3. Thank you for commenting. I like doing macro photographs because you get close to the insects.
