Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Love gulls

Lots of people hate Gulls. They can be messy and aggressive, but they're just doing what nature wants them to do.

I was with my Dad early one morning last week when we stopped to photograph these Black-headed Gulls. (Dad was looking for a Mediterranean Gull but didn't find it).

I think they look great and are brilliant to practice your photography on. We threw out some bread and these guys came to us.

You do have to watch out for poo though - once my Mum got a load on her when she was throwing bread and my Dad was photographing the birds.


  1. Great Pics again, Who needs Mediterranean Gulls anyway, I think blackheaded gulls look great especially with just that hint of a black head left in the winter plumage.
    And your quite right about the poo too!

  2. What a fabulous blog - I love it and some amazing photos! Well done Martin.

  3. Hi Martin,

    I love your blog its fabulous, and the photos you take really are superb! I wish I had your talent. Going to make a wildlife blog soon as part of my job (I work for Yorkshire Wildlife Trust) - going to have to keep an eye on yours to see how it is done!

    Well done!
